From ansrsource Founder Darin Narayana

Robot teaching

I am frequently asked about the impact of AI and ChatGPT on our business. Are these developments a threat, or are they a catalyst for much-needed changes in the field of L&D? My guess is that leaders from all industries are asking themselves these same questions. AI is no doubt altering everything we do, and business leaders must assess both the impact of new technologies and their approach to utilizing these technologies. 

The business of learning and skill development has already been impacted, and I expect this trend to continue. The process of content development will become faster, perhaps better, and less expensive. There will be a multitude of new entrants into the L&D field who will challenge long-standing companies like ansrsource with new and seemingly less expensive offerings – though many may promise more than they can deliver. As has been true with all new developments, legacy companies such as ours will be under pressure to respond.  

To sustain our business model in the new world, we must embrace fresh technologies, adjust our approach to the marketplace, and find effective ways to incorporate AI into our processes to better serve our clients. And that’s precisely what we’re doing. 

Before AI was in every headline, we at ansrsource were already exploring the possibilities and opportunities inherent in incorporating AI into our project workflows, especially for our accessibility products and services. We understand where AI can be used to enhance our workflows and improve our processes. We also understand where it becomes a hindrance, adding unnecessary risk. Our business model combines AI with human expertise to deliver the best of both worlds – efficiently-produced, cost-effective learning solutions that are also high-quality and nuanced. 

If history is any indication, companies like ours with solid core competencies and a customized approach to fulfilling client needs will thrive in the new landscape. For instance, when the Internet emerged and e-commerce was fresh and new, many projected massive market capitalization for new entrants in fields such as insurance and banking. As time passed, however, it was the companies in these fields with established core competencies who also embraced the new technologies that excelled. 

In the field of L&D, we believe that learning must adjust and adapt to learner preferences and therefore customization will continue to be critical for efficacy in learning. ansrsource’s focus on innovation, learner engagement, and measurable results will only be enhanced by ChatGPT and other AI developments. Meanwhile, our commitment to quality is and will continue to be our guiding principle. 


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