Your Learning Innovation Partner

Webinars by ansrsource:

Webinar with Educause
Digital Learning Accessibility: The
Road Ahead

Webinar with ATD
L&D Outsourcing: Strategic Accelerator or
Illusionary Mirage?
Webinar with Chronicle of Higher Education
Shattering Accessibility Limits in Digital Learning

AI + Human Expertise

ansrsource’s team of 200+ learning architects integrate human expertise and the latest technology in artificial intelligence into our processes and workflows in order to deliver the best learning experiences for your learners. Two decades of experience working with the most compelling ideas in digital education has resulted in an unrivaled team, methodology, and process.

We work as an extension of your team, focusing on deep inquiry at the beginning of each engagement – finding “the story” that will be compelling to learners, choosing the right approach to tell the story and meet the learning requirements, and seeking continuous improvement through revision and refinement of the learning experience.

Learning Design

ansrsource’s experienced learning architects provide a scientific and systematic approach to course design and development that maximizes your learning and development results during this age of reskilling and upskilling. We create courses in a multitude of formats compliant with global standards (SCORM, xAPI, cmi, WCAG, and more).

Our integrated design and development process:

Learning design process
Accessibility Solutions

At ansrsource, we combine human expertise with the power of AI to create a comprehensive accessibility solution. While some services simply audit content, create an overlay, or focus on a single media type, we audit, report, remediate, and continuously remediate at the source – your LMS – to the latest WCAG standards so that you are always in full compliance and with no manual work by you or your users. For many companies and universities, accessibility is complicated. We make it simple.

Accessibility and remediation process
Course Migration

ansrsource uses cutting-edge technology and processes to optimize information searching, recovery, conversion, and management while adhering to archiving standards. Our digitization, conversion, and migration services satisfy all major compliance regulations, ensuring content stability.

Power your success with our capabilities:

Course migration process